Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A sangmhojae experience

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Me and Airy Oliveros

Mona And ME
 Me and Airy Again <3
I'm with mister elephant

Me, airy and Sophie!

Sophie with Mona and Airy





sangmhojae, mona is half!

HAHAHA up there

other people also look up when we took this pic.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

can't help myself by toni gonzaga with my insights

Can't sleep tonight,                                                            
'Cause you're on my mind.                                                
I guess I'm in love once again.
they say a star,
'Cause that's what you are.
You light up my life once again.

* Love is just really miraculous, once you had it,
you can never forget it, Love do struck even to 
the most undesirable ones. It's Just like a light guiding
you for the rest of your life

I'll take this chance for another romance in my
'Cause you're all that I need.

* The one whom you've waited for all of you life,
the person whom you want to spend the rest of your life,
Do come once in a lifetime, so if you see that person
grab that chance and never let that person leave you.

I can't help myself,
From falling in love,
With somebody like you,
'Cause your feelings are true.
Can't help myself,
From falling in love.
For I can't help myself...
From falling for you.

* No matter how you push love away, it'll always come back
to you, because you're the only one who can fulfill it.
No matter how you wouldn't like it to be still it'll chase
till the end of the road, it'll stay with you even if you
fell on a cliff.. you can't avoid love. A bona fide love

All day I pray,
That forever you'll stay,
And won't let our love fade away.
Hear what I say,
Whatever come away?
We'll be together come what may.

*Thru ups & downs, happiness & sorrow, one thing is
true. Love is one of the reasons why you need to get
up and fight. It gives you unexplainable strength to face
a new day ahead of you. Love is something you just
can't give away. no one in this world doesn't how to love.

I'll take this chance for another romance in my
'Cause you're all that I need.

I can't help myself,
From falling in love,
With somebody like you,
'Cause your feelings are true.
Can't help myself,
From falling in love.
For I can't help myself...
From falling for you.

I've never felt this love,
Until you came,
In my mind.

* Love is something that you wouldn't

know when will it arrive. It's something
that changed a person's life. Loving has no definite
reason, you love that person because you love her
no more no less. Whether she/he's nice, makes you

And I can't help myself,
From falling in love,
With somebody like you,
'Cause your feelings are true.
Can't help myself,
From falling in love.
For I can't help myself...
From falling for you.

* The greatest thing that i will like to hear someday is:

when i ask him why me?
he'll answer because i love you
why do you love me?
because i love you.
love is just a short word that means a lot

More lyrics:

nonsense, nonsense

Sooo close to Summer Vacation yet soo hectic in schedule. Is it really like this? When the vacation is near, Then that is the time when all our stressful day would start!

I skipped an entry yesterday because i was so busy doing something and watching cinderella's sister. I've got addicted on it. The storyline is so beautiful and the actors and actress!! they're amazing plus the handsome lead stars like timothy and ki jeong wait and also william!! I super duper love it.. <3 <3 need to watch cinderella's sister right now so goodbye for now!! OMG i'm on episode 18 so close to the ending!! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Astrology, criss cross & match! (Aquarius)

Aquarius and Capricorn love compatibility 
Both signs have a strong sense of self, but Aquarius wants to be free and Capricorn wants to dominate. They will find out soon that their romance has turned into a friendship. it is uneasy for the Capricorn to cope with the Aquarius in intimate affairs. The Aquarius is a inventive, free-will person. He/she can't long be in love with the practical Capricorn. Aquarius is continually on the go and likes to spend money. Capricorn considers that frivolous and tries to impose strict controls. Aquarius may go through a number of jobs, searching for the right challenges but Capricorns' need for financial security is so strong that this will horrify him/her. This is not a satisfactory connection, and marriage will require efforts.

Aquarius and Aries love compatibility 
This connection will be stormy and will bring a lot of new emotions. There is a chance that the Aries will be dominating, as the Aquarius is more passive. The planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is unpredictable in its actions; therefore, Aquarians have a tendency to procrastinate too much to please the Arien "up and at ' em" characteristics. If both sides try a bit of tact & understanding, this great love affair could turn into something special. The Aries must be very tactful if he/she wants to deal with this extremely emotional dreamer. In bedroom Aquarius, while jealous and possessive of his/her partner, rarely overindulges activities as he/she has far more things to do and be engrossed in; therefore he/she is not as sexually active as Aries would like, and Aries will come to see Aquarius as a selfish lover. It is unusual, complete of events connection. In case of marriage a lot will be depending on how much they love each other.

Aquarius and Cancer love compatibility 
Fun-loving Aquarius will be too unpredictable for a vulnerable Cancer. The Cancer is usually more open and steady than Aquarius who inclined to find new adventures. Aquarians love to share their life stories with the world while Cancer is satisfied to concentrate on personal obligations. Cancer have a conservative taste; Aquarius taste are usually the opposite. The Cancer's needs can't remain unsatisfied. Aquarius tends to exempt him/herself from the emotional requirements. They are able to find common language in bedroom for some time, though they will not sustain this partnership in a drawing room for a long time. The eccentricity of Uranus does not go well with the moods of Luna. Odds against this combination are too great for this combination, unless one will become subservient to the other.

Aquarius and Libra love compatibility 
They should suit each other perfectly . Warm, sensual Libra joins with enthusiasm in Aquarius's erotic fun and games. Also, diplomatic Libra knows must how to get around Aquarius's quirky stubborn streak. Libra is waiting for a support from the Aquarius in this life full of adventures. They both like to live in a society and will participate in public affairs. They have a lot of friends, however they do not forget their own interests. While there are some aspects of their personalities that will irritate the other they will find it easier than most signs to compromise. The opinions of others mean very little to Aquarius he/she cannot understand how Libra can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else and will possibly feel that Libra is being over sensitive. They will be happy together, even without perfect sex. This is a sensual connection and a good forecast for the conjugal relations.

Aquarius and Taurus love compatibility 
Aquarius's careless attitude toward love will baffle and finally enrage highly passionate Taurus, who doesn't want someone just to play with. The Aquarius is inclined to analyze everything and not very interested in getting pleasure from making love. The Aquarius would rather prefer to talk, but the sensual Taurus will not be satisfied with such type of love. Taurus will seem to be too requiring for the Aquarius. These two are stubborn in very different ways: Aquarius refuses to be conventional, while Taurus rigidly adheres to the values of family and security. Aquarius is interested in humane concerns; Taurus is single minded about itself and its possessions. Aquarius puts a low emphasis on sex and places it far down on the list of necessities. This attitude could cause Taurus some major upsets as he/she will not be able to accept the problems of the whole world sharing his/her bed, which could cause Taurus to become over demanding in Aquarius' eyes.

Aquarius and Leo love compatibility 
Leo can't get the cooperation or the admiration it requires, and Aquarius resents Leo's attempt to rule. They have different views of independence: to Aquarius it means freedom to explore new horizons; to Leo it means pursuing a glamorous, extravagant lifestyle. Aquarius is interested in the world; Leo is strictly interested in Leo. Their sexual life will be unsatisfactory for Leo as Aquarius can and will find others that capture their interests and this will frustrate Leo, causing Leo to think that his/her mate is inhuman and uncaring. While these two will be attracted to one another, they are zodiac opposite which means that it can be bad as well as good connection.

Aquarius and Scorpio love compatibility 
This combination usually ends up getting into unpleasant terms after a little time. Fueled by Scorpio's volatility and Aquarius's imaginativeness, sex is quite out of the ordinary. But Aquarius is turned off by Scorpio's powerful and jealous passions, and Scorpio is upset by Aquarius's unpredictable moods. Aquarius constantly participates in numerous public affairs. Scorpio can't bend the Aquarius to his/ her will, because of Aquarius' love of freedom. The Aquarius is extremely sociable. The Scorpio is reserved. The happiness in bed will not help this couple to be happy together. Let everyone go their own way.

Aquarius and Gemini love compatibility 
Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is full of surprises and sudden changes. This will suit the Gemini perfectly. Gemini are capable to subordinate to the Aquarius' will. There will be a lot of pleasant things in a bedroom though the lack of passions is also possible. The changeable Gemini are easily influenced by the Aquarius' constant pressure. They love to socialize, they have a wide range of outside activities, and neither is particularly jealous or proprietary. Sexual attraction with them is likely to be intense, as Aquarius finds Gemini to be very attractive physically. This couple will be fine bed-mates and fascinating friends. It is an interesting connection which may turn into a charming marriage.

Aquarius and Virgo love compatibility 
Both are mental signs rather than emotional, but Virgo looks on the darker side of life while Aquarius is imaginative and optimistic. There is no strong sexual attraction between them. Aquarius needs activity, social events, a wide circle of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet existence with a few close friends. There will be neither especially strong excitation, nor interesting erotic games. The sober, practical Virgo is inclined to criticize the Aquarius' generosity. Their goals are very different: Aquarius wants to be as brilliant as possible; Virgo wants to be as efficient as possible. The marriage is possible in case they both have strong feelings towards each other.

Aquarius and Sagittarius love compatibility 
The combination usually has a great chance for success. These two are so innovative about lovemaking that they ought to charge admission. In addition, they inspire each other intellectually, for Aquarius has far-out, inventive ideas and Sagittarius is optimistic and visionary. They both are unpredictable, active and cheerful. They both like making love. They have rich imagination and they are full of interesting fantasies. They love to be the center of everyone's attention. Usually they are interesting people which are not suffering from jealousy. There is a very good chance for a successful relationship. Many of their values are alike and their need to be outgoing and sociable is inherent in both of these people. Aquarius and Sagittarius both understand the need to let the other be when they need their freedom.

Aquarius and Aquarius love compatibility 
They are perfectly compatible with each other. They are both inventive in love. However, there are no deep feelings between them . They are both too rational, reasonable and moderate for deep and strong feelings. There are many personal interests. Given, that they are unsuited physically, they will not find this odd or a reason to allow hostilities into their relationship, for sex does not play a big role in either ones life as they are easily distracted by daily happenings and other peoples problems. In general it promises to be a peasant connection and reliable marriage as a result.

Aquarius and Pisces love compatibility 
In case Pisces study the Aquarian horoscope , this may not be a bad combination. But usually their sexual affinity turns into a war with elements of a melodrama. The sensitive Pisces dependent on the Aquarius too much and constantly demanding the proofs of his/her love. The Aquarius feels depressed. The Pisces is a highly complex personality that must be the center of attention in his/her lovers life, and this is disheartening to Aquarius who believes in developing individuality. Pisces can have deep bouts of depression and if he/she perceives that Aquarius is unsympathetic to these he/she may cut Aquarius off completely and make his/her own private decision about their life together. This connection seems to be promising at first , but it will never get into a happy marriage.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A very tiring day

first of all, i'm sorry for skipping an entry yesterday. I was just really busy preparing for our Ad Strategy.

Now, where do i start? hmm.. These past few days i always felt that my mind is not resting! Seriously, although i consume 6 hours of sleep for this day, my eyes are still tired. i think that they're bloated already because of my swelling eye bags! For heaven's sake, i don't know what is RELAX.. i can't feel anything but stress :((. Imagine this, until to the very last minute that i'll sleep, my mind is still working for our majors..

Relaxation is definitely not in my vocabulary right now.. When will i ever feel relaxed again? Can't take this anymore!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let's all be eco-friendly

Seminar no.2: Eco-friendly products: A market invasion

From L-R: MJ, Jalou, Anne may, Me, Mona, Gia

Our Second seminar that we've attend to is this seminar. More focusing on eco-friendly products. This is a good oppurtunity because we're not fully aware of the products that were really 100% organic.

First, I was really impressed on the product called "plantex" an organic all in one cleaning solution. It is 100% organic and that only means that plantex is capable in cleaning almost everything without a very harmful effects. Take note, this is a pure filipino invention. The main ingredient of it is from the banana bark , trunk & peel. It is useful in cleaning in the house, the office and almost everywhere. Another demo that was shown to us on how plantex is really great is that there are 2 cups of water. one was poured by plantex disinfectant and the other one was poured by another disinfectant. The reaction of the water to plantex is normal. it looks like a normal water but when the reaction of water to the other brand the water became dim. Another thing this is unbelievable but this is true. They drunk the water with plantex on it. My, WHERE ON EARTH CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT A DISINFECTANT THAT YOU CAN DRINK? and also when the water with plantex was poured into the dim water it became clear just like a magic, AMAZING!!

just look it this way

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A STVN Fashion

A photograph of one of my uncle steven's client.
STVN a newly established fashion label. STVN stand for Steven, Steven Yap the name behind this magnificent dress. This is just few of his extravagant creations.

The client, a family friend but i wouldn't mention her name because i don't ask her if it's okay to mention her name in here ask to make her a gown for her Junior-Senior Promenade. She is much likely to be a very good example of a model because she's skinny and attractive, so it's not much hard to design a dress for her.

Of course, with my uncle's creative mind, he created this dress/gown. It is simple yet classic and elegant. The elements that's within this dress is so unique. It's like you bought it on a fashion couture. Actually his client
 won as Ms. Elegant!

by the way, another trivia about steven, he became one of the representatives of DLSU-CSB at a Lee Competition during the philippine fashion week..

aja steven! go!

if you want to ask further or want to design a dress for you by my wonderful uncle feel free to comment or message him on his fb: or on mine:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a NOSTALGIC seminar

Today, i and my other friends namely, MJ, Mona, Jalou, Me,

(L-R)kuya jhay, michael & giragong (respectively) went on a marketing seminar entitled nostalgia: secret of yesterday, success of tomorrow.
i was really inspired to the talk of Ms. King (chief operating officer) of KABAYAN Hotel. When they were converted as a born again christian they just do not claim it as a title but they live on it. Their former family business the anito (a motel) that's according to her many "miracles" and vile things happen. We all know what are the "miracles" i'm talking about so i don't need to elaborate it. It extremely contradicts on their philosophy as a christian. I do admire them because they contribute on how to change our ghastly society nowadays, a hard decision to close their business even if their at their peak just to follow God's will.

Now, Anito was converted to Kabayan hotel, I myself saw their hotel in Pasay along MRT and LRT. I can surely say that on their interior and it's exterior design you can't even say that it is a motel before, and their ambiance your like in a 4 star or a classic hotel but of course, the difference is it is much smaller, more affordable and it's location.. it is more on along the roads not just like the other hotels..

Ms. King said that righteousness is costly but they still strive to follow righteousness. This is a one big step to change everybody's life. As the talk goes by i've learned that just keep on believing what is right and always pair it with lot's of prayers. God will never let you down.

inspired by the talk so much!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm on a brand mana. rush

i'm in middle of my brand mana. task. just nothing so important but i would like to share that our advertising majors is not easy how it looks like! From planning a commercial to production! First in the planning stage, you'll need a ton of research in order to understand your target market, you need to be fully aware about them. their characteristics, their weakness and almost everything about their behavior. Then you'll need to create an ad strategy that corresponds to it's ad objective and marketing objective and then execution.

here in brand mana. we focus on over-all aspect in keeping the brand's reputation. we design our vehicle, kiosk or the store, uniforms of the employees, newletter, building signs, display poster.. etc.
it's so exciting in a way that you'll like reformatting a computer but it is definitely hard.. CONCEPT is needed and i think this is the hardest thing to do build a concept about it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

disneyland a magical experience

February 14, 2011

As i surf the net within the page of Youtube, i saw a marriage proposal at disneyland.

it is a musical marriage proposal. i think it is on main street. It is so sweet! the girl has no idea & i think the man who proposed is part of the production because he put his proposal on a musical play with some other cast that is joining in the crowd at first! and also he propose on the same spot where they've first met on disneyland..aww so sweet!!

Disneyland is indeed a magical place!. Disneyland is a place where your dreams come true. A magical place, it's like fulfilling your childhood dreams! to see a princess, a castle, it's the happiest place on earth!

Walt Disney said if you can dream it, you can have it.

At least,i think mostly the moral lesson of walt disney's movies are never stop believing in your dreams, reach out your goals! There's no circumstances that you can't overcome, if you will just believe in your dreams & finding someone that you're willing to spend your life with, just wait for him because he'll come at the right time and moment.

Always remember that everything should be done according to God's time!

hope you enjoy reading this.. :D

Happy Valentines day!

Still on my date with Mr. Laptop. Listening to a whole bunch of Jonas Brothers Songs.
I do really Love THEM!!

why don't i consider that i'm on a valentine's date with nick jonas today, since i've felt that he's with me since yesterday! LOL :))

Happy Hearts day! always take care of your treasures because you'll never know when will the robber came & get your treasure away from you so better watch it carefully! :3

Argh! Love songs all around!! I <3 u all!

a short introduction

novelty of Amour &  Vita
it simply means the uniqueness  of (Amour, French) Love and (Vita, Italian) Life. I do believe that life & love is moving in so many mysterious ways. Each person has it's own story of life, how they strive to be successful, they've encounter numerous hardships yet they still overcome their greatest fears..

in this blog, i would much likely to tackle about how life hard is, complicated but worth it.
Posted on by Elyssa Lim | 1 comment

a day before days of the Lovers

Valentine's is a special day..
and also single awareness day!

well i took it as a single awareness day!
since i have no one to celebrate with it..
except my date for that day Mr. Laptop!

Finding someone that you'll spend with your entire life
is it on destiny or it's intentionally picking that person?

in my own opinion, finding "the one" is a matter of destiny & your own choice because you hare the one who is in-charge on how you'll drive your life.

For example, when you bump into a person it is fate or destined to be because you have no control over it. if you felt a spark they say or the magic i think it is destiny but if you chose to ignore that feeling of love to that person.. it is your choice.

a tagalog proverb says:

para kang isang saksakyang naligaw sa daan at di malaman ang daang tatahakin kapag naghiwalay na ang daan tinatahak